I would love a break from reality.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Ideas, ideas, ideas

Street Style
Iv'e been thinking a lot about emptying my closet and buying new clothes. I'm tired of wearing the same old clothes again and again (on most occasions). Since I get a fair amount of allowance every week, I will be putting most of that aside to purchase new clothing. I'm moving up a step onto that plain, simple and complicated look. So if I ever get my camera back (hopefully soon), I will be posting pictures on here and on lookbook.

With Blogger's United fast approaching, I need to find myself a new outfit I can work with. I have a lot of ideas in mind that I definitely have to put to work.

With all that aside, I want to talk to you guys about this personality development seminar I attended yesterday. The seminar's lectures talked about how one should present himself in the corporate world. It was all very inspiring and motivating. It gave me a lot of new ideas on new looks and concepts that I can hopefully share with you very soon.

Street Style
I have also been wanting to  focus on taking pictures of everyday people. It is so inspiring seeing other people be themselves on the street. This will be one of my few upcoming projects too, so I'm really excited about that.


I apologize for my blog being so empty, I do realize that there is not much to look at now. But I promise you guys, there will be a lot of things written and featured on here. I'm even planning on holding competitions that all of you can join! To the few readers I have, thank you for sticking around. Don't forget to share and follow this blog if you like it.